Driving Faith

Friday, December 13, 2013

God's Listening Ears

                Last Sunday, BB and I found ourselves blessed with a more time together than we normally get on my busiest day of the week. I discovered that I had time to not only read him a quick story in my office but we were able to walk down the street for a hot chocolate.  This was definitely a gift from God. I was out of town earlier in the week and we had not been able to spend any real time together. BB and I need our time together, just like he needs time with my husband also. While I try to carve out that time often, last week it just didn’t happen.
            BB selected the story of Adam and Eve being tossed out of the garden as his story on Sunday. This version came from a small children’s Bible that we borrowed. I read the story and then he asks “What’s disobey?” I launch into a much too long explanation of the word disobey. BB looks at me and says “They did not have on their listening ears, Mommy.” Fair enough, Buddy. You are correct if you disobey it is usually because you do not have on your listening ears. He then goes on to explain that because Adam and Eve did not have their listening ears on, God sent them to time out. I laugh because we are still in time out technically.
            Mostly I am amazed by BB’s synopsis of The Fall. He was able to explain what cause mankind to be taken out of the Garden of Eden better than many theologians. Way to go kid!
            After we had finished the story, we pile on our coats and get ready for our adventure. I remind BB that he needs to listen to me as we walk down to the coffee shop. We would be crossing streets and he needed to have his listening ears on. BB’s head pops up and he says “My listening ears, like God.”
            “Yes, BB like God.”
            “Mommy, God always wear his listening ears.”
            Thank you for the reminder that anytime I need God to be listening, it will happen. There's nothing like having your child remind of what you have always known but sometimes forget. I think sometimes this is why God gave me gift in BB. Other time it is less apparent but it's still there.

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